Monday, March 2, 2009

Just because it was mentioned...

that John Cowsill played the drums in the original version of Tommy Tutone's 867-5309/Jenny, of course, I had to get the song on here. This version does not include Cowsill on the drums.

The story goes that lead singer, Tommy Heath, was given a phone number by a girl named Jenny to give to another band member. Instead of passing along the number, Heath wrote it on the bathroom wall. One of the other band members liked the story so much he wrote the song.

The song became so popular that people in the United States to this day dial this telephone number and ask for "Jenny" as a prank. Regarding the famous number, "We had people threatening to sue us. It was the Buffalo Chief of Police's daughter's number in New York," said frontman Heath. Although they are frequently remembered as a "one-hit wonder", they had another top 40 hit on the Hot 100 with "Angel Say No" in 1980, predating "Jenny" by a couple of years.

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