Friday, March 6, 2009


ARIES: The one who inspires you to be creative will win your heart. TAURUS: New places make you feel differently about yourself. Your environment favorably affects your self-esteem. GEMINI: A partner or potential partner will appreciate the romantic opening gambit you dream up. CANCER: You will not be stopped from doing what you want to do at the pace you want to do it. LEO: You are a whirlwind of energy and only the most adventurous will dare to keep up with you. VIRGO: Being supportive is so rewarding a feeling that you can't even fathom why anyone would give less to a relationship. LIBRA: You want to make love last forever and will do the things that contribute to its longevity. SCORPIO: There is a degree of magic involved in people getting together, but there's also strategy and hard work involved. SAGITARRIUS: You are comfortable to rest, relax and rejuvenate with your loved one. CAPRICORN: You'll make selfless adjustments in order to better understand a loved one. AQUARIUS: You alternate between revealing and concealing your emotions to create an intricate and effective seduction. PISCES: The depth of emotion you elicit may seem commonplace to you, but it's an unusual occurrence for someone else.

COUPLE OF THE WEEKEND: Aries and Leo are two fire signs who sometimes passionately combust -- but not this weekend. These two are more likely to go for the slow burn now, fanning the flames of love to make them last. Aries has many stellar ideas about how to spend time together and Leo will be game for just about anything. Leo keeps Aries laughing and grateful Aries could finish Sunday with a tantalizing proposal.

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