Friday, April 17, 2009


ARIES: Though you'll feel like displaying your deep affection, do some research first to find out how best to go about it. Then wait for the undeniably great moment that comes Sunday. TAURUS: You will be given gifts and treats from people who enjoy you immensely. GEMINI: In a mischievous mood, you may take an opposing view to that of your loved one just for entertainment. CANCER: Whatever you are "supposed" to do will be likely abandoned for a choice that seems like much more fun. LEO: You are lucky when you shower the people you love with affection and don't hold back. VIRGO: A problem will be resolved and love can resume as it was. LIBRA: New social horizons are opening to you, which may require additions to your wardrobe. SCORPIO: You'll enjoy spending money on the one you love. SAGITTARIUS: Entertain at home. You'll take great pride and pleasure in how well it all comes together. CAPRICORN: An unconventional person intrigues you. Strike up a conversation and you'll be charmed. AQUARIUS: You have fine instinct for smoothing over rough patches and living in harmony. PISCES: You will be motivated by an industrious partner. Together you can move mountains.

COUPLE OF THE WEEKEND: Aries and Aquarius are a hot pairing and may feel inexplicably attracted to each other this weekend, considering the current dynamic between their guiding planets. There will be a circumstance to unite them. They inspire each other to reach beyond previous limitations. Neither will care what the rest of the world thinks of them. Together they form a private club of mutual admiration.

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