Sunday, November 29, 2009

For the Week of Sunday, November 29, 2009

This week brings the fun-time full moon in Gemini. The moon is bright and awake in Gemini, and she chatters away about all the most interesting happenings of the times. Information that has been secret, communication that has been difficult or daily proceedings that have been on hold will finally get the green light. Uranus goes direct in Pisces, too. If you feel something has kept you from your destiny, the barrier will be lifted.

ARIES (March 21-April 19). You are someone who gets things done -- and not through fear or intimidation. Rather, people respect your high standards and want you to be pleased. This week you will turn in work that is consistent with the impressive trend you've established. Your friends will want to tap into your talents on Saturday.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20). A champion of the underdog, you will go out of your way to help someone you perceive to be less fortunate, even to the point of overexerting yourself. In the end you might decide that this person actually has more than you, but that's not the point. For you, generosity is its own reward.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21). This week you'll take action that will surprise your colleagues and cohorts and perhaps even yourself. You've fantasized about making this rebellious move, and it's as though a secret part of your character took over to make it all happen in real time. Consider giving this alter ego of yours a zesty nickname!

CANCER (June 22-July 22). Even though you might check your phone messages, mailbox and e-mail just a little too much this week, it's only because you're so interested in the people in your life. You love interaction. And, thankfully, people love interacting with you. Thursday, a gesture of affection creates ripples beyond the act itself.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Certain relationships come so easily to you that they take no work whatsoever to maintain. You'll also be dealing with more difficult connections this week and will have to look harder to see the merit in them. The exercise will be well worth the effort. If you can see beauty in everything, you'll always be surrounded by beauty.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You will create outstanding fortune by giving your best to whatever you've got going on. You will honor your various responsibilities by giving your all. If you are a mother, you'll be an outstanding one. If you are a poet, you will be profound and resonant. If you are a car salesman, you'll sell solid vehicles for a fair price.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). There will be a change in your heart. You don't feel the same about a certain someone. Perhaps you were projecting an image onto that person that is different from who he or she really is. This doesn't have to ruin your relationship. Stay open-minded. You will also enjoy this new state of being if you give it a chance.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You won't be inclined to color between the lines. You'll mix it up and keep it fresh. Maybe you'll stay up super-late, eat pancakes for dinner and forgo the news to watch a silly movie. Maybe you'll take a personal day from work to embark on a spontaneous day trip. Living outside the norm will lead to outstanding luck.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). If this week had a consistent musical beat, it would be Reggae -- earthy and easy with a basic happy groove. You'll be content for the most part. Sure, there are changes you could make, but they aren't urgent. People envy your ability to enjoy your life without stressing too much about it.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). It's important to surround yourself with energetic people. You can't always be the one pushing the others up a hill. Sometimes you need to be pushed yourself. This week you'll do a little pushing and a little pulling, and by Saturday you'll make it to the top where the view is stellar.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You don't keep track of people's faults. You tend to give everyone the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise. And even then you assume the best. You will use your natural tendency toward optimism to help two opposing parties come to an agreement. It is well within your power to heal the damaged relationship.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You're so socially conscious -- a wonderful way to be, as long as you don't take on unnecessary grief. Assume that your words and actions are just fine unless people tell you otherwise. Also, accept kindness at face value without imagining what people expect of you in return. Graciousness means staying lighthearted.

THIS WEEK'S BIRTHDAYS: You go into this new era of your life full of determination. You will get more accomplished in the next 10 weeks than some people do in 10 years. The key is to focus on your No. 1 priority and be relentless in its pursuit. To heal a relationship will be a worthy cause and will open up other areas of your life. A new friend comes into the picture in February. You'll do well with a March investment. June brings family together. You'll rally for a team and win in August.

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