Friday, December 25, 2009


ARIES: A secure partner will prize your independent spirit. TAURUS: Though you are trying not to notice, you do have an awareness that someone likes you. This person gets silly when you're around. GEMINI: A potential love appreciates the way you carry yourself with grace and poise. CANCER: Your friendly personality makes someone want to be more than just your friend. LEO: You enliven any room you enter. And it's even easier if you can connect with one who has equal humor and playfulness. VIRGO: Trust in your sweetheart all the way and you won't be let down. LIBRA: You may not always be at the top of someone's "to do" list, but you are today. SCORPIO: You feel grounded and secure, and it rubs off on those around you. SAGITTARIUS: You'll keep the action moving forward. Your ideas will work as long as you can explain them well to the other people involved. CAPRICORN: There is no good reason to challenge those who are clearly on your side. Enjoy a state of agreement. AQUARIUS: You'll trade an old habit for a new one and meet a sweet friend or potential love interest in the process. PISCES: Your true love is the one who values who you are on the inside.

COUPLE OF THE WEEKEND: Capricorn and Leo are both leaders. Capricorn keeps an eye to the future and makes sure that the relationship is building toward something that will matter. Capricorn is purposeful in all things and wants to make a difference. Leo handles the moment -- sparkles and entertains. Leo realizes that the present is the only real point of influence. Together they form a power couple, indeed!

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