Friday, August 14, 2009


ARIES: Dating is fun, but doing things by yourself might be even more fun. At least don't rule it out. TAURUS: Be careful not to attribute qualities to someone that they don't actually possess. GEMINI: Dress up. Be surprising. You're fantastic in black. CANCER: If you're single, ask a new person out. If you're part of a couple, go somewhere new. LEO: It's attractive when you act brave even when you're not feeling that way. VIRGO: Send a playful, devilish note to the one you love. LIBRA: When you want to know exactly what's going on with a partner or potential partner, go straight to the source. SCORPIO: You love your life and that's why you'll attract others with the same condition. SAGITTARIUS: Your need for freedom and independence makes someone want to chase you. CAPRICORN: You'll be an expert at making eye contact, but don't overuse your gift. AQUARIUS: Wait and get to know a person better before you commit. PISCES: Make a decision and live with whatever you decide. Good luck!

COUPLE OF THE WEEKEND: Leo and Gemini ignite a spark with the sun in Leo and the moon in Gemini. Both signs are feeling confident and are likely to banter witty compliments and insults alike -- differentiating between the two is the tricky part. These two love to knock each other slightly off their game and watch the other person recover. In the recovery, there is real vulnerability. In the end, it's a sweet connection.

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