Friday, January 16, 2009


ARIES: A dashing suitor may nonetheless be unsuitable for you. Use discretion. TAURUS: Your idea of steadfast love is different from a partner's idea -- discuss. GEMINI: You align with Mercury, your guiding planet, for some loveable mischief making. CANCER: You're idealistic in your approach to romance and some of those high standards will actually be met. LEO: Your notions of fun match perfectly with your partner's and the result is a blissful stretch of together time. VIRGO: You need a charismatic counterpart to draw you out and someone who fits the bill will emerge on Saturday. LIBRA: A nurturing sweetheart is so attentive you could just about heal an age-old would in the span of this weekend. SCORPIO: You aim to delight and have no problem with hard-to-please partners. You deliver on their every whim. SAGITTARIUS: The answer is not across the globe, or street for that matter. Perfect love is oh, so near. CAPRICORN: When a loved one demonstrates the ability to facilitate your detailed plans, you fall hard. AQUARIUS: The one who demands the best from you will get it. PISCES: You are drawn to those with an artistic way of framing your current situation.

COUPLE OF THE WEEKEND: For air signs Libra and Aquarius, sharing a life together is a breeze. They could be complete strangers standing next to each other in a movie ticket line, or high school sweethearts who have been married for 50 years and the chemistry is the same: effortless, witty and light. This weekend the two enjoy pursuing high-minded endeavors that speak to their joint interest in art, design or philosophy.

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