Saturday, May 23, 2009

Your Astrological Guide to Lightening Up:

Whether you're singing the blues, riding out an economy-induced funk or skating along in a pleasantly mild-mannered mood, it's a time of year when everyone -- even happy people -- could use a bump up to the next level of good cheer. Here's how your sun sign can get happy!

ARIES: Move it! Your sign needs exercise almost as much as it needs air. You'll leap to your bliss while huffing, puffing and patting your brow. And the best part is, your post-workout high lasts you a solid 24 hours.

TAURUS: Shop. You are stimulated by lovely displays and innovative new items presented in pretty environments. Note: Shopping does not mean buying. The act of looking around at what's available is uplifting in and of itself.

GEMINI: Joke around. As the sign of communication, you delight in lighthearted exchanges. You are lifted by clever wordplay. Pet names and social silliness make you feel intimately connected to your people.

CANCER: Share and care. Doing for other people is what ignites the fire in your heart. Naturally nurturing, you thrill to a mission that involves making others smile.

LEO: Act as if. Leo loves to put on a show. So give the performance of your lifetime -- you being the happiest you can be. While modeling a fantastic mood, you may accidentally make it real!

VIRGO: Nurture yourself. Sometimes you're so involved taking care of loved ones that you forget that you, too, have needs. When you lavish some of that detailed attention on yourself, your zest for life returns.

LIBRA: Fall in love. As the sign of partnership, you can find reasons to fall more deeply for the same person again and again. Or if you're single, you have no problem flipping for someone new, no resistance whatsoever. Romance alters your brain chemistry and sweeps you into the realm of effervescent -- so go ahead.

SCORPIO: Get present. When you subtract your worries about the future from the equation and then take away your negative opinions about the past, chances are what you have left is just you living out a pretty good moment. For as long as you can stay there, the present is beautiful.

SAGITTARIUS: Hit the road. You don't have to travel to an exotic land -- the next city over will do, just as long as you are filling your eyes with new sights, your ears with fresh sounds and your experiences with different people than you would normally see. The interruption in your routine enlivens your state of mind.

CAPRICORN: Accept and embrace yourself. You can always change what doesn't please you when you're ready to do so. In the meantime, take a good look at all that's going right with you and your world and give it your nod of approval. Then take it a step further and celebrate yourself.

AQUARIUS: Imagine the change you seek. You have the stars of a visionary. Give yourself the time, space and freedom and you can dream your way right into your own utopia.

PISCES: Cozy up to an optimist. You're highly empathetic and can soak up the moods of others like a sponge. Being around cheerful people will automatically brighten you. So gravitate toward the supportive, smiling, laughing group and chime right in.

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