ARIES: Valentines given to those in the "just friends" category may move the relationship into the romance zone.
TAURUS: There are many different ways to show your love and you'll be experimenting.
GEMINI: When you pay special attention to your friends you are even more attractive to a potential love.
CANCER: You're in the mood to take your natural generosity over the top and will be well received.
LEO: Any mental obstacles that stood between you and your true love will be lifted.
VIRGO: You are stress free as all the details of a special date fall gloriously into place.
LIBRA: Taking excellent care of yourself makes you feel inspired, creative and ready for the love that is surely coming to you.
SCORPIO: You'll be on the receiving end of an unexpected romantic gesture.
SAGITTARIUS: What you thought was a daring idea turns out to be both possible and practical.
CAPRICORN: There is no need to outdo yourself. You are adored just as you are.
AQUARIUS: You'll finally find the ideal time and place to express your heart.
PISCES: Take a romantic risk, especially a zany one. If anyone can pull it off, you can.
COUPLE OF THE WEEKEND: Aquarius and Scorpio will receive plenty of attention as the sun and moon favor them. They will be particularly attractive to each other. They are inclined to notice and point out each other's talents and strengths, and by doing so each helps to bolster the confidence of the other. It feels so wonderful to be supported in this way that they will want to continue to be on each other's team. |
![]( When I left home this morning, my computer was as secure as a computer can be - totally safe from viruses, Trojan horses, and all other forms of malware. Of course, it was switched off. Once it's powered up and linked to the Internet, crooks from around the world go to work. They may want to swipe credit card numbers or bank account data. Or they might try to make my computer a zombie, so it can attack other machines by remote control. Internet security can never be perfect, since the bad guys never stop inventing ways to hit us. But that's no excuse for neglecting the basics. First, keep all your software up to date. Download and install patches against newly discovered security threats. Millions of people don't bother. We know this because at least nine million Windows PCs are infected by a malware program called Conficker. Windows computers with the latest patches are safe from Conficker and many other threats. Boston Globe - Full Story
You naturally expect more from your relationships this year: A growing awareness of your own potential arouses your desire for a partner equally interested in seeking more from life. Visionary Jupiter in your sign indicates that you're unwilling to settle for less than what you want. Additionally, serious Saturn in your 8th House of Intimacy until October 29 reflects the need to restructure your most important relationships. The limitations of others may force you to talk about making fundamental changes if you and a partner hope to remain close. If he or she is willing to work with you, there's no limit to how far you can go together. However, a lack of effort will lead to stagnation and a loss of trust that can permanently undermine your bond. A Lunar Eclipse in expressive Leo on February 9 falls in your 7th House of Relationships. Expect powerful longings to connect with someone new or to go farther with a current mate. Yet dreamy Neptune's opposition to the eclipse indicates that you may be projecting fantasies, so double-check your assumptions before you make any dramatic moves.
REVERE - Police responded to three armed robberies in the city late Sunday night and made two arrests, but detectives haven't linked the suspects to the other armed robberies that have plagued the city in recent weeks. The first arrest of the night was made shortly after a 26-year-old man allegedly pointed a silver handgun at the bartender inside Bill Ash's Bar at 78 Revere Beach Blvd. and demanded money. Tyron Minardi of 80 South Breeman St., East Boston, was arrested and charged with armed robbery while masked and receiving stolen property at about 11:45 p.m. Minardi was arrested after an officer saw him running out of an alleyway near the Revere Beach train station, which is one block away from the bar, and fit the description of the suspect. Police said the victims positively identified Minardi as the man who robbed them and a large sum of cash was recovered from his front pocket. Another officer recovered the firearm behind an electrical box at the intersection of Beach Street and North Shore Road after Minardi told police where to find it, police said. A bag of money was found near 651 Beach St. where Minardi admitted he ditched it upon seeing the officers, police said. Police also found a car key in Minardi's pocket that was for a stolen car that was found parked behind Bill Ashe's, police said. The second arrest occurred shortly after a 2 a.m. Monday robbery that left the victim slashed in the face by a knife. The victim walked from the Wonderland train station when the suspect tried to rob him on North Shore Road. The suspect, later identified as Thomas Twoguns, 24, of 47 Bellingham Ave. #3, Revere, allegedly jumped a fence and approached the victim from behind. He demanded the victim give him money and allegedly ripped off the victim's backpack. The victim fought back and was punched in the face. The suspect then pulled out a knife and slashed him in the face and neck. The victim was not seriously injured. Twoguns was found a few minutes later in a nearby parking lot and positively identified by the victim as the suspect. He was arrested and charged with attempted robbery and assault and battery with a dangerous weapon. Finally, police responded to the first robbery of the night at 9:45 p.m. at Orange Grove convenience store at 158 Shirley Ave. Two Latino males allegedly walked into the store while masked with at least one holding a knife. One suspect placed the knife against the female clerk's stomach and said, "Don't do anything stupid or I'll stab you," according to a police report. The suspects ordered the clerk to empty all the money from the cash register then forced her to rip dozens of scratch tickets off the wall. No arrests were made. Police did not charge the suspects with the five other armed robberies that have been reported in Revere since Jan. 22. Police released a surveillance photo of the suspect in the Jan. 29 Seven Day convenience store robbery on Winthrop Avenue in which a gun was used. The Hess gas station on Squire Road was hit on Jan. 26, the Tobie's Jewelry store on Shirley Avenue was robbed at gunpoint Jan. 22 and two knifepoint street robberies occurred in the Shirley Avenue neighborhood on Jan. 24. Lynn Daily Item
![]( It's winter in New England And the gentle breezes blow Seventy miles an hour at twenty-five below. Oh, how I love New England When the snows up to your butt you take a breath of winter And your nose gets frozen shut. Yes, the weather here is wonderful So I guess I'll hang around I could never leave New England 'cuz I'm frozen to the ground!
Impulsively jumping into a new relationship isn't your usual style, but this isn't a typical year when it comes to matters of the heart. You're inclined to express your feelings without considering their impact as sensual Venus spends most of February–May in spontaneous Aries. Nevertheless, you'd be wise to monitor your involvement so you don't jeopardize your stability, especially as Venus retrogrades through your 4th House of Security from March 3 through April 17. Make the most of Venus's harmonious trines to indulgent Jupiter on July 26 and October 28 by revealing your romantic desires selectively, leaving others more likely to respond with enthusiasm.
Revere Teen gets 5 to 7 years for beating death 03.FEB.09 REVERE — A Revere teenager has been sentenced to up to seven years in prison after pleading guilty to manslaughter for using a golf club in a beating that led to another man’s death. Prosecutors say 19-year-old Matthew Riley used a golf club to beat 49-year-old Robert Mackey of Winthrop outside a convenience store in August 2007. Mackey died of a lacerated spleen about a week later. Authorities say Riley and his brother got into a dispute with Mackey and another man outside the store in the early morning hours. Riley was sentenced to five to seven years Friday after pleading guilty to manslaughter, assault and battery with a dangerous weapon and possession of marijuana. Prosecutors had recommended a 10-year sentence. Riley expressed remorse. - Associated Press
Vivacious Venus turns retrograde this year on March 6, setting the tone for your relationships. This shift in the planet of love's direction—while always important—is especially significant now because it occurs in your 5th House of Romance, suggesting a major reevaluation of your heart's desires and the best strategy to attain them. Rein in your impulses, even if it seems to take some of the fun out of life. What may be enjoyable in the moment might not produce the enduring satisfaction you seek. When Venus turns direct on April 18, you may have resolved a critical issue, freeing you to move in a more rewarding direction. An innovative approach to partnership opens the door for you to enjoy greater intimacy without feeling smothered thanks to a Solar Eclipse on July 21. This critical event in touchy Cancer falls in your 8th House of Deep Sharing, which usually indicates separation. Surprising Uranus makes a creative trine to the eclipse, however, reviving a fading relationship or revealing ways for you to make new connections where closeness and freedom can coexist.
Actual hotel we stayed at, the Riu
There's definitely magic in the world of love for you this year: Jupiter and Neptune, the co-rulers of your 5th House of Romance, nuzzle up to each other on May 27, July 10 and December 21. Their conjunctions with Chiron the Wounded Healer should help you mend a broken heart and free yourself for richer romantic experiences. Inventive Uranus is already in the 5th House, so breaking new ground is an effective counterforce to your instinctive patterns of holding on to the past. Spontaneous self-expression shatters shyness and habits rooted in your need to remain in control. Love is not something to master now, but an experience of pure discovery able to surprise you with delight when you least expect it. Regression in relationships is possible when Venus, the ruler of your 7th House of Partnerships, is retrograde March 6 - April 18. Yet this return to old issues may well incite you to make changes rather than remain in your rut.
You may need to revisit your past if you wish to move into your future, because two eclipses activate your 5th House of Romance early in the year. First, a wild Aquarius New Moon Eclipse joined by joyful Jupiter on January 26 foreshadows success in love. You must, however, be respectful of boundaries, or a wonderful opportunity could fall apart very quickly. Then a bold Leo Full Moon Eclipse opposed by wounded Chiron and spiritual Neptune on February 9 helps you move beyond your fears -- if you're willing to forgive someone in your past. Your dreams of ideal love feel close, yet you could waste energy chasing unrealizable fantasies as Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune dance around one another in your 5th House all year. A little common sense will go a long way when this cosmic super-conjunction is most active in May, July and December.
Make yourself the top priority in relationships this year: Responsible Saturn in your 1st House of Self through October 29 puts the focus on your needs, desires and well-being. Rather than making service to others the keystone of partnerships, pull back to a place of greater self-interest; this will give you the time, energy and inclination to maximize your own strengths. Loving Venus goes retrograde in your 8th House of Intimacy on March 6 and turns direct in your 7th House of Partnerships on April 17—a period to reevaluate and, perhaps, alter your expectations of relationship and your commitments to others. If you're not satisfied with what you have, renegotiations are appropriate. A Capricorn Lunar Eclipse in your 5th House of Romance on July 7 is another potential turning point in matters of the heart, showing you that a current plan isn't working or that the burdens of responsibility you're carrying are too heavy. Don't be afraid to change course if you aren't headed in the right direction.
Although the Jupiter-Chiron-Neptune super-conjunction falls in your 7th House of Partnerships, placing an idealistic and hopeful spin on all your relationships, it is generous Jupiter that rules your 5th House of Love. Accordingly, its conjunctions to Chiron and Neptune in May, July and December are opportunities to heal old emotional wounds. Forgiving and forgetting are in theory simple concepts whose reality is complicated and sometimes painful, yet someone may come into your life during these periods to help you along. Additionally, the love planet Venus extends her stay in spontaneous Aries for most of February, March, April and May--activating your 9th House of Adventure. Romance is more than just having a good time; it must also widen your horizons and open your mind to exciting new possibilities beyond your wildest imagination.
Hopeful Jupiter in unconventional Aquarius occupies your 8th House of Deep Sharing to transform the nature of your relationships. Your boundaries may be stretched by unusual individuals or novel approaches to intimacy. Let your mind lead your heart—it takes imagination to absorb all the gifts that partnership can bring you this year. Common ideals and spiritual interests can bring you to a higher level of understanding with a mate by reinforcing your connection with a higher purpose. Jupiter’s conjunctions with Neptune on May 27, July 10 and December 21 offer moments of sublime delight, romantic fantasy and blind faith, allowing you to overlook down-to-earth matters necessary to sustain a long-term partnership. The Lunar Eclipse in practical Capricorn on July 7 in your 7th House of Others will, however, temporarily bring you back to reality. Love is a wonderful thing, but you need plans and commitment to assure its longevity. If you’re single, this event marks a period when a clear sense of purpose, self-respect and a willingness to talk frankly about your needs enables you to come out of your shell and pursue your desires more directly.
The distinction between friends and lovers may be tested early this year, for sweet Venus in impulsive Aries spends most of February, March, April and May in your 11th House of Groups and Friends. Threats to your emotional well-being can provoke powerful interactions with others during these months, creating crucial relationship turning points when Venus squares intense Pluto on February 5, April 5 and May 2. Romance may come more easily as Venus moves through your sign on July 6–August 1, but her opposition to Pluto on August 2—as with her squares earlier in the year—can once again bring up difficult issues. Serious Saturn enters Libra and your 5th House of Romance on October 30, where it remains for a couple of years. Settling down into practical and enduring relationships will become top priority.
![]( CLEAR LAKE, Iowa (AP) — It's been 50 years since a single-engine plane crashed into a snow-covered Iowa field, instantly killing three men whose names would become enshrined in the history of rock 'n' roll. The passing decades haven't diminished fascination with that night on Feb. 2, 1959, when 22-year-old Buddy Holly, 28-year-old J.P. "The Big Bopper" Richardson and 17-year-old Ritchie Valens performed in Clear Lake. Immediately following the performance Holly, Valens & Richardson boarded the plane for a planned 300-mile flight that took off on February 3rd at approximately 1:00 AM. The flight only lasted a few minutes. Waylon Jennings had given up his seat on the plane to Richardson who was ill that day. "It was really like the first rock 'n' roll landmark; the first death," said rock historian Jim Dawson, who has written several books about music of that era. "They say these things come in threes. Well, all three happened at the same time." Starting Wednesday, thousands of people are expected to gather in the small northern Iowa town where the rock pioneers gave their last performance. They'll come to the Surf Ballroom for symposiums with the three musicians' relatives, sold-out concerts and a ceremony as the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame designates the building as its ninth national landmark. And they'll discuss why after so many years, so many people still care about what songwriter Don McLean so famously called "the day the music died." "It was the focus point for that last performance by these great artists," said Terry Stewart, president and CEO of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland. "It warrants being fixed in time." Full Story
You can expect a mature, realistic and responsible approach to love with serious Saturn in your 5th House of Romance through late October. You will benefit by making a concerted effort to enhance your image, but that doesn’t come from hard work alone. Having fun gives you a glow that makes you instantly more attractive. Taking time to play is essential for creating space in your heart to give and receive the pleasure you desire. Joy is part of your job now and needs to be on your schedule. Commit to activities that help you feel young, enthusiastic and expressive. These traits are necessities, not luxuries, if love is to blossom in your life. The downside of Saturn in this part of your chart can be feelings of isolation or emotional fatigue that tempt you to give up on love. Happily, spontaneous Uranus’s oppositions to Saturn on February 5 and September 15 should break you out of any funk. Venus’s retrograde period of March 6–April 17 is a critical time to reexamine core patterns in matters of love, partnership and self-worth. Her passage through the haze of your 12th House of Secrets can stir up feelings that you’ve kept hidden even from yourself. Discovering these needs can challenge you to approach intimacy in new and different ways.
The Pittsburgh Steelers
You may be tempted to fall back into old relationship patterns while the South Node of the Moon is in your 5th House of Love and Romance, through July 26. Additionally, sensual Venus extends her stay in your sign due to a retrograde phase on March 6–April 17. During this time, you may reignite a flame with an old lover or turn up the heat on a current relationship. Venus enters impetuous Aries on February 22, slips back into compassionate Pisces from April 11 through April 24, and then remains in your sign until June 6, increasing your chances of finding love. Your key planet, Mars, intensifies your drive for pleasure as he moves through your sign on April 22–May 31. On October 16, Mars reenergizes playful Leo and your 5th House of Love, where he remains through the end of the year.
10. Super Bowl XIII - Hollywood challenges BradshawThe gang at FOX NFL Sunday's pregame show are always poking fun at Terry Bradshaw's lack of intellect, with Terry often leading the way himself. But the reputation of Bradshaw as a dumb jock was put out in the open during Super Bowl week before the Steelers and Cowboys hooked up following the 1978 season. While being interviewed, quotable Dallas Cowboys linebacker Thomas "Hollywood" Henderson told reporters that Bradshaw "Couldn't spell 'cat' if you spotted him the 'C' and the 'T.'" Bradshaw had the last laugh by throwing four touchdown passes in a Super Bowl MVP performance during Pittsburgh's 35-31 win. ![]( 9. Super Bowl XLI - Prince pushes the envelopeAnother notorious halftime show was spiced up, though not to Spice Channel levels, by the one and only Prince. Only the purple one would dare test the NFL's morally and politically correct stance during his halftime show with his interesting guitar placement while playing Purple Rain. Behind a giant sheet, Prince's silhouette generated plenty of media debate over whether he had gone too far. ![]( 8. Super Bowl XXXVII - Robbins goes AWOLMedia began scrambling when another Saturday night Super Bowl casualty became known before Super Bowl XXXVII between Tampa Bay and Oakland, as word leaked that Raiders head coach Bill Callahan had sent Pro Bowl center Barrett Robbins home from the San Diego Super Bowl site. The immediate reports alleged that Robbins had ventured south of the border to Tijuana, Mexico, for a binge-drinking episode. Later the depth of Robbins' issues came to light — he was suffering from depression and bi-polar disorder. The Raiders went on to lose, 48-21, without their star center. ![]( 7. Super Bowl XXXI - Was Favre partying or not?Brett Favre was in the midst of winning one of his three NFL Most Valuable Player awards in 1996. But his off-the-field story had gained almost as much attention as his on-field play — his admission that he had been battling addiction to alcohol and painkilling medication. So more than a few eyebrows were raised during Super Bowl week when the Packers quarterback was allegedly seen partying with beer in hand on Bourbon Street in New Orleans. Favre and the Packers downplayed the alleged sightings, but even more mumbles were heard when Favre reportedly got the dry heaves before kickoff on game day (the Packers said he was suffering from the flu). Favre still went out and led Green Bay to a 35-21 Super Bowl win over the Patriots. ![]( 6. (tie) Super Bowl XX - Irving Fryar; Super Bowl XLI - Tank Johnson. ![]( With the NFL becoming America's most prominent sports institution, an added burden of moral high ground has been focused on the league and its players — including two who became controversial figures during Super Bowl week for off-field, police-related incidents. Before Super Bowl XX, New England star Irving Fryar was the subject of many questions after mysterious cuts on his fingers became public. Word quickly got out that Fryar's cuts resulted from a scuffle with his wife two weeks before the Super Bowl ![]( Before Super Bowl XLI between the Colts and Bears, the focus of the negative media glare was Chicago DT Tank Johnson — who had been arrested for the third time in 18 months just six weeks prior to the game after a police raid turned up several unregistered guns and two assault rifles. The Bears suspended Johnson for one game, but a judge allowed Johnson to leave the state of Illinois to play. Lucky for Johnson, it was more lenient NFL Commissioner Paul Tagliabue's final season before Roger Goodell took over the league office, as Goodell then suspended Johnson for the first half of the 2008 season. 5. Super Bowl XXLII - Bill Belichick stained by 'Spygate'Early during the unbeaten regular season by the 2008 New England Patriots, head coach Bill Belichick had become embroiled in the sideshow known as "Spygate" — accused of illegally using members of his staff to videotape the signals used by members of opposing coaching staffs. Belichick had been forced to apologize after Commissioner Roger Goodell handed down a substantial fine against the organization --— including the loss of a first-round draft pick. The topic died down by the time the playoffs and Super Bowl rolled around, but exploded again when the day before the game a Boston Herald report cited former Patriots employee Matt Walsh hinting that Belichick had authorized him to tape a Rams practice walk-through before Super Bowl XXXVI. Walsh eventually became exposed as a shaky source, and the author of the story was disciplined, demoted and embarrassed. But this was a definite distraction as the Patriots played for their legacy against the Giants, and lost, 17-14. ![]( 4. Super Bowl XXIII - Stanley Wilson's demonsIn the all-too-familiar Super Bowl eve story gone wrong, Bengals fullback Stanley Wilson (pictured) failed to show up for a Saturday night team meeting after telling some of his teammates that he forgot his playbook in his room. The Bengals players and coaches became concerned, then were shocked to find Wilson on the floor of his hotel-room bathroom in the midst of a serious cocaine overdose — shaken, sweaty and confused. Wilson never got his chance to play in the Super Bowl, and the Bengals lost to the 49ers without him, 20-16. ![]( 3. Super Bowl XXXV - The Ray Lewis debateRay Lewis (pictured) has never hidden from the spotlight, but one incident that stains his past remains his arrest on the night after Super Bowl XXXIV in Atlanta in a case that involved the fatal stabbing of two men. Although murder charges were eventually dropped, Lewis was convicted of obstruction of justice. When the Ravens made the Super Bowl the next year, the morality story of the week centered around the Pro Bowl linebacker and the incident — with critics loudly complaining that Lewis deserved to be watching the game from a jail cell rather than playing. Lewis played, and dominated the Giants in an MVP performance. ![]( 2. Super Bowl XXXIII - How to trash your reputationFalcons defensive back Eugene Robinson was known publicly as one of the league's true good guys, a real family man, in his playing days. In fact, on the day before Super Bowl XXXIII, Robinson had been presented with the NFL's Bart Starr Award — celebrating his high moral character. Hours later, the highly respected Robinson was arrested in Miami for soliciting a prostitute. Robinson was bailed out by gameday, but it didn't help his cause when he was burned badly for possibly the play of the game — Rod Smith beating Robinson for an 80-yard TD pass in the second quarter as the Broncos rolled to a 34-19 win. ![]( 1. Super Bowl XXXVIII - Janet Jackson gets exposedThis is the mother of all Super Bowl controversies, bar none — which is somewhat strange considering it never affected the game, and nobody's life was in peril. This was all about Super Bowl XXXVIII halftime act Janet Jackson's notorious "wardrobe malfunction" in her duet performance with former Mouseketeer Justin Timberlake. The highly controversial MTV-produced show culminated with Timberlake ripping off Jackson's two-piece top, revealing the singer's breast covered by a very visible nipple shield. Jackson later apologized, Timberlake seemed mortified and even though the breast was exposed for a mere 9/16th's of a second on the live CBS telecast, the NFL immediately announced they would never let MTV produce another halftime show and CBS was levied a hefty $550,000 fine — which was subsequently overturned in 2008.